2024 Spring 15s

The 2024 Spring 15s season is here!
Our Season Kickoff Meeting is Tuesday 1/9 at 6pm in the East High Commons.
If you are a new player please sign up on TeamApp so you can receive team messages and find the latest schedules.
While some details are still being finalized, our March practice schedule is:
- Saturdays: 11:30 – 2:30pm @ East High Turf
- Mondays: 7:00 – 9:00pm @ Manual Turf
- Tuesdays: 6:00 – 8:00pm @ Bruce Randolph Turf
- Wednesdays: 6:00 – 8:15pm @ East Room 327
- Thursdays 6:00 – 8:00pm @ Bruce Randolph Turf
Our current match and event schedule is:
- 1/27: Think Tank
- 2/10: East Invitational
- 2/24: East vs Boulder
- 3/2: East vs Falcons
- 3/9: East @ Monarch
- 3/16: East vs Palmer
- 3/23 – 4/1: Spring Break
- 4/6: East @ Parker
- 4/11 – 4/14: Salt Lake City Tour
- 4/20: East vs Regis
- 4/27: East vs Valor
- 5/4: Semifinals
- 5/11: Finals
All players must be registered with Rugby Colorado to play. The registration must be completed by a parent or guardian. All registration is through a new platform, Rugby Explorer. There are no paper forms this year.
The cost to register is $245 (plus fees) paid with a credit or debit card. We have full scholarships available. If you need a scholarship please contact Coach Gore for instructions.
If you registered with RugbyXplorer previously:
- Go to the USA Rugby Registration Site
- Enter your email address
- Enter your password (or use the Reset Password link)
- Click “Sign In”
- Click Register then Find a Club
- Select your player’s profile to register (or use the Link a New Person option)
- Enter “East HS – Boys” and select the option in Colorado
- Select the following options:
- Role: Player
- Registration Type: High School Spring Boys
- Duration: Season
- Continue adding a photo (optional), emergency contact, and additional information
- Complete the East Rugby Roster Information
- Acknowledge the terms and conditions then hit Pay
If you have not registered with RugbyXplorer:
- Go to the USA Rugby Registration Site
- Enter your email address
- Click “Sign me up!”
- Enter parent information and ensure Rugby Region is set to USA Rugby
- If the registration system matches an existing profile, select that. Otherwise select “Create new profile”
- Check for an email titled “Welcome to Rugby Xplorer” then click “Verify Email”
- Set your password then login again
- Click Register then Find a Club
- Click Link a New Person then enter your player’s information
- If the registration system matches an existing profile, select that. Otherwise select “Create new profile”
- Select your player’s profile to register
- Enter “East HS – Boys” and select the option in Colorado
- Select the following options:
- Role: Player
- Registration Type: High School Spring Boys
- Duration: Season
- Continue adding a photo (optional), emergency contact, and additional information
- Complete the East Rugby Roster Information
- Acknowledge the terms and conditions then hit Pay
This year we will be going on our 26th annual out-of-state tour. The tour is a fantastic experience and for many the highlight of the year. This year we will go to Salt Lake City, departing on Thursday 4/11 and returning on Sunday 4/14.
All players* are invited on tour and will play matches on Friday and Saturday. In addition to the matches, players will participate in two banquets, have a fun afternoon of bowling, and receive a tour shirt. If you register online by 2/15, the cost for a player to attend is $390. After that, the price goes up to $430. This cost includes all transportation and lodging. We are proud to provide full scholarships for any player who needs one, contact Coach Steve Gore for details.
DPS also requires a Power of Attorney form be printed, signed, and notarized. We will have notaries at upcoming events and matches.
Many parents also join and have a great time. In addition to attending matches, parents participate in the two banquets, receive a tour shirt, and have access to an adults-only social room. If you register online by 2/15, the cost for a parent to attend is $135. After that, the price goes up to $150. Parents provide their own transportation and must book their own rooms (please contact Jacey Wald if the displayed rate is not $169).
Please contact us with questions and we hope you’ll join us this year in Salt Lake City!
* Players must be academically eligible and have less than 4 unexcused absences from practice.